02 October 2007

Crafty Bastards!

This past weekend, had you been in Washington, DC you would have found Fort and I at Crafty Bastards, one of the East Coast's most rockin' craft show! We had a fantastic time meeting everyone that came out and stopped by our booth. A big thanks to them!
We were SO busy the whole day that I didn't get a chance to leave the table to take photos to share with you all. Partly Cloudy was going to come out to help, but the poor dear got food poisoning :(
So I don't have any photos for you.. but I can tell you that you should definitely try and check out the show if you ever can. The level of awesomeness will blow your mind.

Oh, and so you guys know: Fort has a bunch of new items that are about to drop in the store so check it out soon, if you get a sec! FortCloudy.com

Back to Seattle for us! Later!


Marissa L. Swinghammer said...

I'm confused. Did you and Fort go all the way to Seattle only to go back to the Baltimore area a week later for Crafty Bastards?

Fortcloudy said...

That would be correct. BUT we did do Renegade Craft Fair on the way to Seattle.. so it's not *completely* insane.. just mostly.

Beth Lisa Goss, Wire Tree said...

Yay Seattle! And I've tagged you. Come visit my blog for the rules of the game.

Marissa L. Swinghammer said...

Well I would expect mostly insane from Sarah, but not completely. :)