09 October 2007

Adding Toast to the Family?

We, here on Fort Cloudy, have been asked to adopt Berny Toast into our family. What do you guys think? We may change his name if we do decide to keep him around.. But what do you guys think? Should we keep him around? You decide!


Caroline said...

Of course! How can you say "no" to that face?!?!

JennyBunnyEtsy said...

Berny Toast is perfect... I love him.

Marissa L. Swinghammer said...

I give a warm welcome to the new guy, but not too warm since he is burnt enough already.

Anonymous said...

Berny Toast = cuteness!

Ciara said...

Anxious toast! How can you go wrong?

fernfiddlehead said...

I am leaning towards Chip Toast myself. But I do like him.