17 September 2007

Baltimore to Seattle: Day 2

Thursday night at Gemmafactrix's house, Fort discovered that she had managed to leave her sewing machine foot pedal back in Baltimore. So we all woke up semi-early to get back on the road to find a replacement. Mama Cloudy made a few phone calls and located one in Lafayette, Indiana. The owner mentioned to her that they were dropping their Janome line and all the machines were 40% off.
The whole way there (including our Cracker Barrel breakfast, yum!) Mama Cloudy and I worked at convincing Fort that she needed a new sewing machine. Not that there was really any room for one in the Cloudy Mobile, but she really did need a new, heavier-dutier one. They had one that was exactly like Mama's, but even after the discount it was still over $1000. Which would be awesome and all, but Fort felt that it wasn't a practical purchase to make while moving across the country. We looked at a few others and then she saw it! The most perfect Fort Cloudy sewing machine e-v-e-r. It was a small white and green machine right in her price range. Being that green is by far her favorite color she quickly tried it out and snatched it up. The timing was fantastic as well, as her birthday is less than a month away (October 10th - she'll be accepting gifts and cards - email me if you need ideas or our address ;P) it made the perfect self-gift. Fort has always had an air of child-like excitement which came rushing to the surface as she bounced out of the store singing the happy sewing machine song. Before we left the town we made a quick stop for ice cream!
We reached Chicago around 5 or 6 or maybe some other time. I'm not 100% sure.. There was a time change involved in there some where and I still cannot keep track of what time it actually is. Traffic sucked, but it was rush hour. However, after 2 days straight in the car I was itching to get out. They made me sit in the back for a little while and I found myself wedged between a suitcase and the clothing rack Joy gave Fort as a going away present (she rocks hardcore). Our friend, Auriane, had been awesome enough to agree to let us all sleep on her floor. She's a friend of Danger Cloudy and Fort's from Baltimore who recently moved to Chicago. It was awesome to see her again! Her little chihuahua, Sinatra, eagerly greeted us when we arrived. He's teeny-tiny and an absolute blast! Only a little bit bigger than me, actually. I spent the night chasing Sinatra around the house while Fort and Mama Cloudy kicked back and did a little sewing.

Tomorrow is the start of Renegade.. eep!


Xiane said...

Ninja Fetus, I have a challenge for you! I know that you and Miss Cloudy are on the road, but when you get a chance, please check out this post for more info!

Anonymous said...

sounds like you are hangin in there...great pics btw...I hope Sinatra only snuggled with you and didn't partake in "ninja chewing"...be safe!!
