22 September 2007

Baltimore to Seattle: Day 6

We left the house of the Cloudy friends fairly early on Tuesday quite rested and ready to go. There is however one problem with traveling cross-country through Wisconsin with 2 girls.. we found ourselves driving past the Mall of America in Minnesota and naturally had to stop.

That place is crazy!! Not only do they have a plethora of Dairy Queen's and Burger Kings but also 2 Victoria Secrets (which we all now is the perfect place to find my favorite sitting place) AND a Lego store.

Oh! AND there is also an amusement park in the middle of the whole 3-4 story high shopping experience. I wanted to go on a couples of rides, but Fort said we had to get back on the road. Oh yea.. and we also found a severely random gas pump inside the mall.. I have no idea.. don't ask :P
After the mall we continued on down to Lincoln, Nebraska to stay with the fabulous Etsy seller Aorta! She and Fort are both apart of Appliquecore. I know Fort really admires her work.
We arrived fairly late, but Jessica took us to a kick ass burrito restaurant. I got a potato burrito, which are now my favorite variety… ever. Yum!

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