26 July 2007


So, Artscape, I'd say its one of the best of the art festivals in Baltimore. I had a blast! The festival showcases ALL types of art: visual, performance, a/v, etc. I would have to say that I think their art vendors this year are starting to get cooler, especially in the fashion area. Over there I found a bunch of friends Rebound Designs was around as well as Pistol, Red Prairie Press, and Squidfire.
I stuck around pretty all day Saturday to see as much as possible, and here's what I found:

:People dancing in the air (my favorite thing)
:A phone booth for prayer
:A man on stilts and a woman dressed as a tree
:A milkmaid fashion show
:Crazy cool art cars
:A Star Wars art car
:McFerris Wheel
:An indoor safari
:Some really rad music
:And a nice tall drink

Its a really, really great time. Even if you're going by yourself! If you find yourself in Baltimore next year while its going on you should definitely check it out!


Nora said...

Nice pictures it looks like fun, I am on the opposite coast though!

Agent M. said...

The tree lady is too cool! (Although probably a bit sweaty in the heat...) I love Baltimore =^.^=.

Block Party Press said...

Looks like a great time. I am sorry I missed it. My kids would have had loved the art cars. It will be on the agenda for next year. Thanks for sharing!